Frequently Asked Questions

How can you help us grow our business ?
We help you reach out to a huge online audience who can be potential customers for your business. Our digital marketing specialists will work with you to understand your business and your requiremnts and then develop and implement a custom online marketing strategy.

What are your payment terms ?
Generally, digital marketing services are on-going activities and you can pay us on a monthly or quarterly basis.

How do I pay for your services ?
You can pay us through wire transfer or through credit card.

Do I have to provide you access details for our facebook or google accounts?
No. We do not need your login credentials to manage your campaigns.

Can I cancel my services anytime ?
Yes. We do NOT bind you with any long-term contracts. If for you any reason, you want to discontinue the services, any amount paid in advance for a longer duration will be refunded on a pro-rata basis. You can also opt for monthly billing.